Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anyang Art Park

Out at the end of the subway line is Anyang Art Park.  Once you get off at the station, signs direct you easily enough to the park entrance.  It's all free, so you can wander at will!  Artists from around the world created sculptures for the art park...and many are interactive!  I danced with Buddha, for instance.  When Vroni and I went, we had the place almost completely to ourselves. Great way to spend a cool, clear winter day!  On the way out of the park, be sure to stop at one of the adorable coffee shops like we did - great coffee and hot chocolate and an adorable dog to hug!  (But there aren't any restaurants directly in the park, so be prepared with snacks.) When Christmas music began playing in the coffee shop, we couldn't stop smiling!  What a winter wonderland feeling!

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