Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Sassy Girl

In an attempt to be truly Korean, Vroni and I spent the evening watching My Sassy Girl (a 2001 classic Korean romantic comedy) in a DVDbang (bang = room)!  DVDbangs let you pick a movie from their collection to watch in the cozy comfort of a private room - complete with leather couch and leg rests, blankets, and heaters!  I've been told that DVDbangs are popular among young couples, because it gives them an opportunity to spend time alone together. In Korean society, kissing and cuddling is not acceptable in public, so it makes sense that a DVDbang would be an ideal setting for a little bit of quality time!

Vroni and I, unfortunately, didn't cuddle too much.  We did, however, enjoy the quirkiness of My Sassy Girl.  It's the only romantic comedy I've ever see that didn't show a single kiss!

1 comment:

  1. Everything in Korea is so cute! Please take me with you next time and we can cuddle in a DVDbang and eat delicious food and have adventures. I'm so serious.
